Where to get data for imports:
Sites with Summaries
- scraperwiki.com (The community collects free data from the web and converts it into CSV, etc.)
- wikiposit (The author collects free data from the web and converts it into CSV, etc.)
- (recommendation) Quandl (Successor of wikiposit: great full-text search, XLS, CSV, JSON export)
- Matlab Trendy (The community collects free data from the web and converts it into plots)
Foreign Exchange, Forex, FX
- www.forexite.com (Forex, 1 minute ticks), CSV download
- ratedata.gaincapital.com (Forex, tick data), CSV download
- www.oanda.com (Forex, daily), CSV download
- www.truefx.com (Forex tick data) after login
- www.dukascopy.com (Forex, ticks), CSV
- fxtop.com/de/historische-wechselkurse.php?MA=1 (Forex, long histories), Table
- (new in the list) http://bitcoincharts.com/charts/mtgoxUSD (Daily, many exchanges), Table
Debt/Interest Rates
- historical time series
- www.euribor-ebf.eu (Interest-Rates: “Euribor, Eonia”), Excel download
- www.databank.rbs.com (Exchange Rate, Interest Rate, Consumer Price Inflation (CPI), Commodities: “Brent Spot, Henry Hub Spot, I P E Brent crude futures 1-pos, I P E Natural Gas Index, OPEC Fixing, US EIA Crude Imports, WTI Daily”), Excel download
- www.ecb.int Interest-Rates and Government Bonds, web tables and partly Excel download
- (German) www.boerse-duesseldorf.de (Bonds, daily), Website table only
- (German )www.bundesbank.de German money and interest-rate statistics
- current
- (German) www.baadermarkets.de (Bonds)
- (German) www.westlbmarkets.net (2012-07-12: Just went offline, hopefully online again soon), Swaps, Caps, Floors, CSV download
- www.boerse-stuttgart.de (web table only) yield curves of bonds per rating and maturity
- interest-rate derivatives
- (new in the list) erstegroup.com Caps, Floors and Collars in form of Warrents
Stock / Indices
- historical time series
- finance.yahoo.com/(Stocks, Indices), Excel download
- www.google.com/finance, partial Excel download, otherwise website table only
- www.ariva.de, (Stocks, Indeces), Excel download, German only.
- www.nasdaq.com (Nasdaq), Excel download
- mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu (portfolio data), text download
- (German) finanzen.handelsblatt.com
- www.investopedia.com, Website table only
- www.nasdaq.com, Website table only, intraday, daily
- www.standardandpoors.com (S&P 500, daily, yearly)
- current
- finance.yahoo.com (Stocks, Indices)
- www.bloomberg.com (Stocks, Indices)
Investment Fonds
- Issuer
- Union Investment (CSV)
- EU http://www.epexspot.com/de/marktdaten/intraday-handel (German), Website table only
- US http://www.gdfsuezenergyresources.com/index.php?id=33 CSV download
General Historical
- (German) www.onvista.de (Stocks, Indices, Warrants, ETFs …, daily Quotes) Website
- www.indexmundi.com World-wide econometric data and commodities
- www.measuringworth.com US, UK, Japan, China with interest rates, GDP, inflation, gold and silver prices, cool long term, Website table only
- www.historicalstatistics.org Many countries, especially Sweden, GDP, population and much more, links to other sources
Economic data
- www.indexmundi.com World-wide econometric data
- OECD.StatExtracts includes data and metadata for OECD countries and selected non-member economies.
- Google Data e.g. Market Capitalization in GDP: Google Data on Marcet Cap in % of GDP
European Union
- Eurostat
- www.ecb.int
- www.destatis.de Statistisches Bundesamt
United Kingdom
United States
- Federal Reserve Economic Data – FRED
- www.census.gov
- www.bls.gov
- www.ssa.gov
- www.treasury.gov
- www.sec.gov
- www.economagic.com (Web, Excel download after login)
- www.standardandpoors.com/indices/sp-case-shiller-home-price-indices (Shiller-House Price Index)
- www.data.gov Public data of all US government organizations
Live Cams
- www.boerse-frankfurt.de (German Dax)
Buy Data:
(I did not try any of these, but they look interesting.)
- www.cmegroup.com (derivative prices)
- www.ivolatility.com (Implied volatilities)
- commodities.euronext.if5.com (Cocoa Future, Robusta Coffee Future, White Sugar Future), 15 min delay, XML
- www.eoddata.com (End-of-Day Stock), Excel download and more
- www.historicaloptiondata.com (Option price data)
- www.livevol.com (Implied volatilities)
Please leave a comment if you have other good sources or is any link breaks.